What is a Hydroponic Gardening and How to Make a Hydroponic Garden at Home?

Hydroponic garden

What is hypdrophonics? Well in a nut-shell it means growing plants without soil. Baffled? Frankly this is a very simple and yet highly scientific method of growing plants using aggregate rocks as the growing medium and a nutrient solution to supply the mineral needs of the plants. This article will give you a low-down on … Read more

Garden Edging Ideas Using Bricks, Plastic, Metal and Other Materials

Garden edging

Edging your garden beds serves a practical purpose but it should be done decoratively to add a design and look to your garden, thus combining form and value together. Nowadays there are some excellent options available to home gardeners for edging their flower beds and lawns. Edging materials come in various forms and textures made … Read more

Ideas for Gardening on a Balcony

Balcony garden plant

Many types of gardens are created on the balcony, all it needs is a little creative thinking and investment in a bit of research on the kind of plants you want to grow. There are people who have a small vegetable and herb garden on their balconies while some grow succulents and cacti to give … Read more

Designing Container Gardens for Specific Themes

Container garden

Container gardening allows you the benefit of growing the plants of your wish irrespective of your yard conditions. You can even start container gardens on concrete patios and decks. Cemented verandas and front space are great locations for container gardens. There is no limit to the varieties of flowering plants, evergreen shrubs and vines that … Read more

How to Plan A Garden From Scratch

Beginner garden

When you start off, all you have in a barren yard which you want to convert into a garden. The task is not as complex or arduous as it seems at first. Some simple planning and reality checks can help you decide the course of action. Once you have the suitable conditions in place you … Read more